Organizational Assessment Overview

Throughout my experience assisting numerous organizations, I’ve actively engaged in a variety of industry-standard assessments to gain deeper insights into my own strengths and areas for improvement. It has become evident that my consistent strengths lie in my ability to identify and implement solutions, as well as mentoring my peers effectively. However, there are a couple of aspects that could benefit from further development, namely, my inclination toward excitability and at times, a somewhat whimsical demeanor.

One of the actionable takeaways from these assessments is the realization that I thrive on challenges. I find them invigorating, and they provide a sense of purpose to my work. On the contrary, a monotonous day-to-day routine does not resonate with me. Additionally, when I am told that something cannot be done, it serves as a strong motivational driver, pushing me to prove otherwise.

To offer more actionable insights for better collaboration and understanding, I will provide explanations of some key assessments that shed light on what motivates and drives me.

Myers-Briggs Assessment


  • Introverted 78% 78%
  • Intuitive 77% 77%
  • Thinking 67% 67%
  • Judging 53% 53%
  • Assertive 64% 64%

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Masterminds (INTJs) are rarely satisfied by work that feels easy or comfortable. They want a career that fires up their curiosity and leverages their intellect, allowing them to expand their prowess as they tackle meaningful challenges and problems. The INTJ-A personality, also known as the “Architect” or “Mastermind,” represents a distinctive and complex blend of traits within the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) framework. People with this personality type are often characterized by their sharp intellect, strategic thinking, and unwavering determination. INTJ-As are driven by a relentless pursuit of knowledge and understanding, always seeking to uncover the underlying principles that govern the world around them. They are highly analytical individuals who excel at solving complex problems and designing innovative solutions. Known for their independence, INTJ-As are self-reliant and value their autonomy in both thought and action. INTJ-As are visionaries with a clear sense of purpose, setting ambitious goals and meticulously planning every step to achieve them. Their decisiveness and preference for order makes them effective leaders and decision-makers.

Big Five Assessment


  • Openness 94% 94%
  • Conscientiousness 82% 82%
  • Extroversion 54% 54%
  • Agreeableness 77% 77%
  • Neuroticism 41% 41%

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The OCEAN model, also known as the Big Five personality traits, provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the complexities of human personality. Among these five dimensions, two particularly noteworthy attributes are high openness and conscientiousness, often in conjunction with low extroversion. High openness defines individuals who are naturally inquisitive, imaginative, and open to novel experiences, ideas, and ways of thinking. Such individuals are characterized by their curiosity and adaptability, as they readily embrace change and exploration across various domains, be it in the arts, culture, or intellectual pursuits. Conscientiousness, on the other hand, denotes a strong sense of responsibility, discipline, and goal-oriented behavior. Those with high conscientiousness exhibit meticulous attention to detail, a strong work ethic, and an unwavering commitment to achieving their aspirations, both in their personal lives and careers. When coupled with low extroversion, it signifies a preference for more intimate and introspective interactions, prioritizing meaningful one-on-one connections over large social gatherings

Fascination Advantage


  • Power 67% 67%
  • Trust 46% 46%
  • Prestige 92% 92%
  • Mystique 81% 81%
  • Innovation 76% 76%

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The Architect, a distinctive archetype within the framework of the Fascination Advantage, exudes a captivating blend of intellectual prowess and an air of enigmatic mystery, creating an intrigue to those communicated with. Individuals embodying the Architect archetype possess a remarkable ability to construct intricate mental landscapes, weaving together ideas and concepts with precision and creativity. They are often seen as strategic thinkers, capable of architecting innovative solutions to complex problems. Their aura of mystique lies in their ability to keep their thoughts and intentions well-guarded, revealing only what is necessary, which tends to draw people in, leaving them eager to uncover the hidden depths of the Architect’s mind. Architects are astute observers and listeners, taking in information with a keen sense of discernment. They have an innate ability to distill complex ideas into simple, elegant concepts, which contributes to their aura of fascination and drives audience engagement. In essence, the Architect archetype enthralls others with their intellectual acumen, strategic insight, and the tantalizing sense that there is always more to discover beneath the surface.

DiSC Personality Type


  • Dominance 48% 48%
  • Influence 30% 30%
  • Steadiness 57% 57%
  • Conscientiousness 82% 82%

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The CD/S results from a DISC assessment offer a comprehensive glimpse into an individual’s personality and communication style. Steadiness (S), as reflected in the assessment, signifies a preference for a harmonious and steady environment. Those scoring high in Steadiness are typically patient, dependable, and empathetic, excelling in teamwork and motivating others. Conscientiousness (C) assesses one’s inclination toward accuracy, organization, and meticulous attention to detail. Individuals with high Conscientiousness scores are known for their precision, strong work ethic, and reliability, making them ideal for roles that require careful planning and quality control. When these two aspects are combined in an individual’s results, it paints a unique portrait of someone who values both interpersonal and task related opportunities.

Four Temperaments


  • Sanguine 14% 14%
  • Phlegmatic 16% 16%
  • Choleric 40% 40%
  • Melancholic 30% 30%

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The Choleric-Melancholic temperament, derived from a four temperaments assessment, constitutes a captivating fusion of contrasting yet complementary personality traits. Drawing from the assertive and driven characteristics of the Choleric temperament, individuals of this disposition exhibit unwavering determination, assertiveness, and a penchant for leadership. They thrive on setting ambitious goals and excel in situations demanding quick decisions and a confident, take-charge attitude. Concurrently, the Melancholic aspect bestows upon them a profound sense of introspection, sensitivity, and meticulous attention to detail. These individuals thrive in roles requiring quick decision-making, assertive leadership, and the capacity to set high standards for themselves and others, and are well known for their thoughtful, detail-oriented nature, excelling in tasks requiring precision and organization .

HDS Assessment

Hogan Development

  • Excitable 82% 82%
  • Skeptical 61% 61%
  • Mischievous 48% 48%
  • Imaginative 93% 93%

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The Hogan Development Survey (HDS) model is a widely recognized personality assessment tool, offering insight into an individual’s potential strengths and weaknesses within a professional context. The top-ranked HDS scores provide a multifaceted view of this individual’s personality. With a score of 72% in “Excitability,” it’s evident that this person approaches tasks and challenges with a high level of enthusiasm and energy. However, this dynamic trait should be managed to avoid potential disruptions in the workplace. The 61% score in “Skeptical” points to a thoughtful and cautious thinker, which can be an asset when it comes to making well-informed decisions. At 48% in “Mischievous,” there’s a playful and innovative side to their personality, but it needs careful handling to prevent it from turning disruptive. The most striking score is the 93% in “Imaginative,” indicating an exceptional ability to think creatively and visualize innovative solutions, making this individual a valuable asset in roles that demand visionary thinking. To harness their full potential, it’s crucial to strike a balance between these attributes, leveraging their creativity and critical thinking while mitigating the potential challenges posed by excessive excitability and slight mischievous tendencies.

Assessment Correlation Report

In this personality analysis, we have correlated results from several personality assessment tools to provide a comprehensive understanding of the individual’s traits and characteristics.

The individual’s Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (INTJ-A) reveals a personality type associated with a high degree of conscientiousness and openness. INTJ individuals are typically known for their analytical and organized nature, along with a proclivity for embracing new concepts and ideas. This aligns with the individual’s profile, suggesting a strong sense of responsibility and an open-minded approach to problem-solving.

The Big Five Personality Traits, OCEAN, highlight two key dimensions for this individual. High rankings in openness and conscientiousness are evident. The individual demonstrates a curiosity and imaginative nature, characterized by a receptiveness to new experiences (openness), while also displaying diligence and a strong sense of responsibility (conscientiousness).

In the context of the Fascination Advantage assessment, the individual’s highest ranks were in prestige and mystique. This implies that they are perceived as both highly respectable and intriguing. The prestige aspect conveys a sense of admiration and respect, while mystique adds an element of mystery and curiosity to their personality, making them captivating to others.

The DISC assessment indicates a C/DS profile, signifying a balance between conscientiousness and skepticism. The individual’s conscientiousness points to their analytical and detail-oriented nature, while the presence of skepticism suggests a tendency to critically evaluate information.

Exploring the Four Temperaments, the individual exhibits traits from both the choleric and melancholic categories. This combination suggests a personality that is simultaneously goal-oriented, assertive, and ambitious (choleric), as well as introspective, deep-thinking, and introspective (melancholic).

Lastly, the Hogan Development Survey (HDS) provides insights into the individual’s developmental tendencies. They demonstrate an excitable nature, indicating enthusiasm and energy, along with skepticism, showcasing a cautious and analytical approach. Mischievousness suggests a playful or light-hearted aspect to their personality, while a high score in imagination indicates a creative and open-minded problem-solving style.

In summary, this comprehensive personality assessment paints a portrait of an individual who embodies conscientiousness, open-mindedness, and analytical thinking. Their personality is characterized by elements of prestige, mystique, skepticism, and a balanced blend of goal-oriented and introspective qualities, making them a fascinating and multifaceted individual.